Beverly Long
Long, a faculty member since 1978, chaired the former department of speech communication from 1978 to 1983 and from 1988 to 1991. She is founding editor of the journal Literature in Performance and has been president of the Southern Speech Communication Association, the National Communication Association, and the Speech Communication Association of America. 1991, she won the Speech Communication Association of America's Lilla Heston Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Interpretation and Performance Studies for her work on performance criticism. In 1995, the association also gave her its highest honor, the Samuel L. Becker Distinguished Service Award, and the regional association honored her with its Distinguished Teacher-Scholar Award. Long also is a recipient of the National Communication Association's Distinguished Scholarship Award. In 1991 she was the recipient of the Mary Turner Lane Award, given by the Association for Women Faculty and Professors, for her contributions to women’s lives. Long has chaired the Chancellor's Advisory Committee and the Humanities Division, and she has been a member of the Admissions Committee, University Research Council and Teaching Awards Committee. She won the Thomas Jefferson Award in 2000.