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Carolina Story: Virtual Museum of University History

Isaac Montrose Taylor (1921-1996) and Taylor Hall

Completed in 1969, this building honors Isaac Taylor, dean of the medical school from 1964 to 1971. Taylor graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Carolina in 1942 and cum laude from Harvard Medical School in 1945. He joined Chapel Hill’s medical school in 1952. As dean, Taylor guided the school through a period of growth. Medical student enrollment and the number of faculty increased significantly, research funding skyrocketed, and a ten-year capital building program began. Taylor's administration oversaw the construction of Berryhill Hall, the first phase of the Health Sciences Library, the Brinkhous-Bullitt and Burnett-Womack Buildings, and the Love Clinics. His interest in primary health care was a driving force for the establishment of teaching units in hospitals across the state in an effort to meet regional health care needs.